I've been trying to find a way to test this with no luck.
So I'm just posting what I've done here.
While I'm not 100% sure the module I'm using is the one that called less, but the
manual is pretty intriguing.
Here are the steps:
$ tce-load -i compiletc cpanm
$ cd ~
$ rm -fr .cpan .cpanm perl5
$ cpan
Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically?
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What approach do you want? (Choose 'local::lib', 'sudo' or 'manual')
(Press Enter)
install IO::Pager
install IO::Pager
Note that I have to install the pager twice because the first time always fails.
The procedures may be questionable as I'm inexperienced with perl.
Edit: I can't post the script due to the server error.
The "Pager" looks fine, so I check the PID.
"ps" shows that perl called "less" in a different way.