First of all, congratulations for your work and also the effort of the other community members! I guess there are a lot of people looking this forums and following your work, but they never register to talk here.
I'm working in my own "compilation" from the piCore 11 times (now upgraded to 12) trying to be able of execute emulators and other SDL based programs, directly from the cli (without X11)
I'm not sure if this is the thread where to talk about this, I'm sorry if this isn't the place, but I would like to share my experience testing the 13 Beta 6 version, as the "graphics-KERNEL" modules does not look like could work, because it does not create the /dev/dri section after loading it (from the onboot.list file)

I am forgetting something in this version to be able of load the accelerated modules? (I'm loading the kms overlay from the config.txt file also)
Also, I had to download the graphics modules by hand, because the tce-load -w does not work for me (but it works for other modules).
Wifi also is showing troubles for me, it works in a random way, showing AP names, but can't connect (it looks like most times it can't sent packets out).
All this does not happen in piCore 11/12. I'm testing in Raspberry Pi 3B+.
Thanks for all, in advance