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Author Topic: forewarning of some missing firmwares for a future update  (Read 2087 times)


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forewarning of some missing firmwares for a future update
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:48:39 AM »

Sometime in mid June I will be submitting updates to firmware sourced from linux-firmware.
If you are using the following of any below firmwares, they will not be in any update.

There are a few alternatives available to you, before you process
Apps -> Maintenance -> check for updates
Code: [Select]
$ tce-update
In no particular order options are:
a) For the relevant firmware-SOMETHING, remove its md5.txt from your tce/optional dir.
--This prevents Apps from finding a change in md5 sums so will not display an update

B) Create your own private TCE of the relevant firmwares and a suitable tce.install script

C) copy the original files from /tmp/tcloop/firmware-SOMETHING
to the actual system file area after deleting the sym links, using root powers
Then add a command to bootlocal for udevadm trigger
Then add those firmware file or files to your backup file either thru control panel -> backup
or manually dropping the leading / to your file=/opt/.filetool.lst
eg /usr/local/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4329.bin

D) The firmware may have new kernel module built out-of-tree or now supported by a more recent kernel. Do an internet search to see if this is the case, that might explain why some firmwares are now missing.


Note that some mt* now belong in new TCE for mediatek

this list may change in mid June and is based on a test build for an April download

« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 05:50:56 AM by aus9 »


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Re: forewarning of some missing firmwares for a future update
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2020, 02:26:43 AM »
In addition, when accepted....

firmware-ralinkwifi.tcz should not be updated until you read its info comments which are likely to be
Comments:       2020 Upgrade WARNING
                All mt*bin now in firmware-mediatek.tcz

What this means is..if you know you use mt* firmware
do not process the update when you see it. Instead download to your boot list firmware-mediatek.tcz.
Next remove firmware-ralinkwifi.tcz from your boot list and do a full reboot.

If wifi is good and stable then you no longer need firmware-ralinkwifi.tcz and can remove it from your tce dir.

If wifi is bad, (I can not predict the future but see no reason for this) then swap the TCEs in your boot list and retest your wifi with the older package. Then delete its md5 file so you never see an update for it.

I would then ask that you make a report providing the name of your device, kernel modules and firmware files affected. Then we can research what ever we need to find out.

Good luck
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 02:46:52 AM by aus9 »


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Re: forewarning of some missing firmwares for a future update
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2020, 02:38:26 AM »
In addition when accepted, there will be no updates to firmware.tcz
Instead firmware.tcz will be split into smaller packages with any leftovers going into

Hopefully you might then use Apps Provides search to find what TCE your firmware is now in.
You can download that new TCE and add it to your boot list swapping out firmware.tcz
If after reboot...hardware/software works as expected, you can safely delete firmware.tcz

The proposed names for the split are: firmware-<name> of
audio,dpaa2, lan, mediatek, mellanox, netronome, qcom, qed, video, wlan and leftovers to misc.