Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

geany "Could not load libvte.so, embedded terminal support disabled"

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I'd very much like to use geany's embedded terminal, but can't make it work:

--- Code: ---$ tce-load -wi geany vte
...all goes well...

$ geany -v
Geany-INFO: 17:07:38.808: Geany 1.24.1, en_US.UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 17:07:38.808: GTK 3.24.13, GLib 2.64.0
Geany-INFO: 17:07:39.189: Could not load libvte.so, embedded terminal support disabled
--- End code ---

vte.tcz seems to be properly loaded:

--- Code: ---$ ls /usr/local/lib | grep vte
--- End code ---

Can you please help me troubleshoot? I'm on Pure64 11.1.

I tried this already, but it doesn't help:

--- Code: ---$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libvte-2.91.so.0.6000.0 /usr/local/lib/libvte.so
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libvte-2.91.so.0.6000.0 /usr/local/lib/libvte9.so

--- End code ---

I loaded  vte-dev.tcz  and compiled latest geany release (1.36) and now virtual terminal works.

However, I end up with a bigger problem: When I try to open a file from within geany (via File -> Open or by pressing on the "open" icon), the file selection box shows only directories and no files at all. Choosing "show hidden files" makes no difference.

Has anyone ever encountered this issue?

Hi GNUser
I'm on TC10 x86 and get this:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/BuildTCZs/ExFAT$ geany -v
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.155: Geany 1.23, C
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.156: GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.60.6
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.156: System data dir: /usr/local/share/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.156: User config dir: /home/tc/.config/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.523: System plugin path: /usr/local/lib/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.556: Added filetype Scala (55).
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.557: Added filetype Go (56).
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.557: Added filetype Genie (57).
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.557: Added filetype Cython (58).
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.640: Could not load libvte.so, embedded terminal support disabled
(geany:12588): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 20:19:34.650: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs?
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.664: /home/tc/C_Programs/ImageEdge/ImageEdge.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.670: Loaded /usr/local/share/geany/c99.tags (C), 1618 tag(s).
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.698: /home/tc/BuildTCZs/GPicView/gpicview/src/main-win.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.720: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/CompilePicmanip : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.727: /home/tc/C_Programs/ImageEdge/CompileImageEdge : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.738: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/picmanip.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.778: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/picmanip.h : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:19:34.870: /home/tc/BuildTCZs/ExFAT/build_exfat : Sh (UTF-8)
--- End code ---

After installing  vte.tcz  I got this:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/BuildTCZs/ExFAT$ geany -v
Geany-INFO: 20:28:19.987: Geany 1.23, C
Geany-INFO: 20:28:19.987: GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.60.6
Geany-INFO: 20:28:19.987: System data dir: /usr/local/share/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:28:19.988: User config dir: /home/tc/.config/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.353: System plugin path: /usr/local/lib/geany
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.387: Added filetype Scala (55).
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.387: Added filetype Go (56).
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.387: Added filetype Genie (57).
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.387: Added filetype Cython (58).
(geany:13827): GLib-DEBUG: 20:28:20.502: posix_spawn avoided (workdir specified) (fd close requested) (child_setup specified)
(geany:13827): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 20:28:20.522: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs?
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.537: /home/tc/C_Programs/ImageEdge/ImageEdge.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.543: Loaded /usr/local/share/geany/c99.tags (C), 1618 tag(s).
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.572: /home/tc/BuildTCZs/GPicView/gpicview/src/main-win.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.594: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/CompilePicmanip : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.601: /home/tc/C_Programs/ImageEdge/CompileImageEdge : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.612: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/picmanip.c : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.653: /home/tc/guilib/picmanip/picmanip-0.95/picmanip.h : C (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 20:28:20.744: /home/tc/BuildTCZs/ExFAT/build_exfat : Sh (UTF-8)
--- End code ---

After that a terminal was available in the message box.

Did you try using:

--- Code: -----vte-lib
--- End code ---
as mentioned here:

Interesting that it works in TC10 x86 but not in TC11 x86_64.

I missed --vte-lib, thanks for finding it. Alas, it didn't help:

--- Code: ---$ geany -v --vte-lib /usr/local/lib/libvte-2.91.so.0.6
Geany-INFO: 22:19:17.917: Geany 1.24.1, en_US.UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 22:19:17.917: GTK 3.24.13, GLib 2.64.0
Geany-INFO: 22:19:17.917: System data dir: /usr/local/share/geany
Geany-INFO: 22:19:17.917: User config dir: /home/bruno/.config/geany
(geany:11938): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 22:19:17.921: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’

(geany:11938): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:19:18.226: Theme parsing error: geany.css:5:27: The style property GtkWidget:focus-padding is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(geany:11938): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:19:18.226: Theme parsing error: geany.css:6:30: The style property GtkWidget:focus-line-width is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(geany:11938): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:19:18.226: Theme parsing error: geany.css:7:28: The style property GtkButton:default-border is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(geany:11938): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:19:18.226: Theme parsing error: geany.css:8:36: The style property GtkButton:default-outside-border is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(geany:11938): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:19:18.226: Theme parsing error: geany.css:9:26: The style property GtkButton:inner-border is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.241: System plugin path: /usr/local/lib/geany
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Scala (58).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Graphviz (59).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Go (60).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Genie (61).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Cython (62).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype Clojure (63).
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.260: Added filetype CUDA (64).

(geany:11938): Geany-CRITICAL **: 22:19:18.296: invalid VTE library "/usr/local/lib/libvte-2.91.so.0.6000.0": missing symbol "vte_terminal_fork_command"
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.307: unknown : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.307: Bad color 'poop'
Geany-INFO: 22:19:18.307: Bad color 'current_line'
(geany:11938): Gtk-DEBUG: 22:19:18.361: State 0 for Scintilla 0x13db190 doesn't match state 128 set via gtk_style_context_set_state ()
Geany-INFO: 22:19:20.532: Quitting...
--- End code ---

It seems that the vte API is a messy moving target: https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/336

Oh, well.


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