Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

checkmarks in gtk3 applications suddenly too light, barely visible

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Seems like there's a fix here:
--- Quote ---Overview of Changes in GTK+ 3.24.14

* Fix the opaque region for windows on X11

* theme:
 - Fix flat buttons in backdrop
 - Make popovers look more similar to menus
 - Tweak checkbox & radiobutton appearance
--- End quote ---

Oh, good.
I see the Pure64 repo version is currently 3.24.13.
I'd offer to upgrade the extension, but gtk3 is critical infrastructure and I'd rather leave it to the master ;)

That didn't fix things  :(

I'll keep looking..

In  adwaita-icon-theme.tcz  I found /usr/local/share/icons/Adwaita/scalable/ui/checkbox-checked-symbolic.svg

It's a black checkbox on a white background. Just to make sure this file is unrelated, I deleted it and tried running some gtk3 applications. There's no change in behavior (I still see a white checkbox on a light background), so indeed this file seems to have nothing to do with the issue.

I did a little experiment: I removed adwaita-icon-theme.tcz and hicolor-icon-theme.tcz from all .dep files in my optional/ directory.
Then I removed adwaita-icon-theme.tcz and hicolor-icon-theme.tcz themselves from optional/ and rebooted.

Now I'm in a running system without any trace of those two icon themes. Filezilla looks exactly the same including the faint checkmarks.
Gnumeric is missing some icons (has a little terminal screen instead of the expected graphic), but checkmarks are the same faint ones as before.

In the case of filezilla, icons are built-in to the application and checkmark is handled by gtk3 directly.
In the case of gnumeric, icon theme's icons are being used but the checkmark is handled by gtk3 directly.

I don't know if gtk3 handling the checkmarks directly is due to a bug (where it can't use Adwaita's dark check mark) or intentional. I think if it were intentional, they would have gotten the colors correct.

I know sometimes gtk needs "theme engines" (e.g., murrine) in order to fully use a theme. Maybe gtk3 now needs one of those engines in order to use Adwaita's icons AND ui .svg files?


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