Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

checkmarks in gtk3 applications suddenly too light, barely visible

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Hello, friends. Just a quick follow-up: Using TCL 10.x's version of gtk3 in TCL 11 fixes the hard-to-see checkmarks, but some icons (e.g., those in the path/filename selection box that pops up when downloading a file in firefox) still appear distorted.

To fix the distorted icons, I also had to downgrade adwaita-icon-theme.tcz to the version in 10.x.

So to summarize, for gtk3 to look nice in Pure64 11.0, I'm having to use gtk3.tcz and adwaita-icon-theme.tcz from 10.x.

The change to cairo has fixed the check box problem without the need to use an earlier version of gtk3.

I'm looking at the adwaita-icon-theme problem.

adwaita-icon-theme reverted to previous version

Thanks, juanito. I can confirm that the gtk3, cairo, and adwaita-icon-theme versions currently in the repo work well together.


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