Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

trouble with ncursesw-dev when compiling for Pure64 11.0-beta

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Damn. Maybe termcap.h must be changed to ncursesw/termcap.h too?

--- Code: ---for ac_header in curses.h term.h ncursesw/curses.h ncursesw/term.h ncursesw/termcap.h

--- End code ---

We have three curses in repo - ncurses5, ncurses and ncursesw. I am not sure but ncursesw have the full set of ncurses features. Is it possible to rebuild ncursesw simply naming it ncurses? Some software builds are looking exceptionally for ncurses.


--- Quote from: jazzbiker on January 17, 2020, 02:37:02 PM ---Maybe termcap.h must be changed to ncursesw/termcap.h too?

--- End quote ---

Good thought. Alas, no joy.

Maybe you're right in that lftp needs ncurses-dev to compile and not ncursesw-dev. I don't know.

I'm throwing in the towel for now :'(

P.S. The Pure64 11.x repository only has ncursesw-dev.tcz. If and when ncurses-dev.tcz shows up in the repo, I'll give it another shot.

From the ncurses-6.1/README:
 "The wide-character library interfaces are not binary-compatible with the non-wide-character       
version. "
But all non-wide functions are present in wide library, so there is no reason not to be able to link non-wide software with wide-char library.

Hi, GNUser!

I've started with the clean lftp-4.9.1 sources, made link ncurses->ncursesw in /usr/local/include/, then corrected only library name in configure and got after ./configure --without-gnutls:

--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp/lftp-4.9.1$ make
... a lot of ...
tc@box:/tmp/lftp-4.9.1$ echo $?

--- End code ---


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