Hi all,
I am new to Raspberry (3B) & tinyCore (9.x). I want to compile C/C++ application using I2C, I2S, wifi and other GPIOs. I have GCC and wifi extension installed OK.
I already installed WiringPi (and WinringPiI2C) extension (I tested them OK with a I2C LCD display and LED/Buttons).
I would like to port a code I had on a Wemos D1 MINI using I2S interface to sound out a PCM5102 from a C application.
I found somewhere that I2S pins are:
- BCK on PIN12 = WiringPi1 = GPIO18
- LRCK on PIN 35 = WiringPi23 =GPIO19
- DATAo n PIN 40 = WiringPi29 = GPIO21
But I cannot find the I2S interface in WiringPi or anywhere... All topics deal with installation of players that seem to support I2S (which I do not want).
Where can I find the I2S Developper extension (All interfaces I need are: i2s_begin, i2s_set_rate, i2s_write_sample, i2s_get_real_rate, i2s_is_full and i2s_is_empty).
I do not either see any I2S-like name under "/dev"...
moreover, how would I need to set up my config.txt. The only "documented" items are (Though, I don't know what to do with them):
- dtparam=i2c=on,spi=on,i2s=on
- dtoverlay=i2s-mmap (+i2s-gpio28-31 that I don't seem to need)
- dtparam=audio=on (?)
Thanks for help!