Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

overeager line wrapping in rxvt

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Sorry for overposting, but i was wrong about ash, it reads screen dimensions after every command line execution. Even Ctrl-C put elephants on their places.

@andyj: Fluxbox, Xorg and xf86-video-intel, en_US.UTF-8

FWIW my guess is that the two things butting heads in the top terminal in screenshot (with larger font I normally use) are:
linewrapper #1: readline (responsible for the first--appropriate--line wrap)
linewrapper #2: rxvt or possibly ash (responsible for the inappropriate line wrap after "-10.")

Interestingly, I cannot reproduce the problem in that top terminal 100% of the time. Most of the time it happens but sometimes it doesn't. Tab completion seems to make it happen more reliably but is not a guarantee.

From the bottom terminal you can see that if window is wide enough to fit 80 characters or more for your font size, only linewrapper #2 is in play. With only one linewrapper at play, there's no butting heads. It takes two to tango.

Therefore my workaround was to make the terminal at least 80 characters wide for my font size, then tell fluxbox to remember the window dimensions for rxvt.

If someone finds a proper solution rather than a workaround like mine--or if you know for sure who the two linewrappers are--please do share! :)

Just a quick follow-up: As jazzbiker pointed out,  ash  calculates terminal width when it draws the command prompt.

I did not fully appreciate the practical consequence of that until just now:
If you drag the corner of a terminal emulator (e.g., aterm or rxvt) to make it wider, you have to run a command--or simply press Enter to get a new command prompt--for  ash  to become aware of the extra width.


--- Quote from: jazzbiker on September 18, 2019, 01:57:34 AM ---Working with initial --geometry XxY is ok.

--- End quote ---

Sorry for overposting. I just wanted to say that the above tidbit clued me in to a solution--creating a wrapper script for  urxvt  that specifies initial geometry, like this:

--- Code: ---exec /usr/local/bin/urxvt -geometry 80x20 "$@"

--- End code ---
After that, the only little glitch that remains is that if I manually make the terminal wider, I have to press Enter for  ash
 to recalculate line wrapping (see Reply #7 above). Manually making the terminal narrower, on the other hand, causes line wrapping to immediately adjust appropriately.

SOLVED (at long last) :)

P.S. I'm using a fixed-width font (I have this line in ~/.Xdefaults: URxvt*font: xft:Luxi Mono:pixelsize=14), which may or may not be contributing to things working well now.


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