Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

adriconf.tcz not working for my X

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Probably a dependency of getlocale, unless you ran the getlocale script.

IMHO, I prefer just a small start-up script in adriconf.tcz, to test for necesary variables and initializes them, then start whatever demon if necesary; without loading bloat of locales. Thanks.


--- Quote from: curaga on May 14, 2019, 12:15:58 AM ---Probably a dependency of getlocale..

--- End quote ---

'not enough coffee this morning - yes, glibc_gconv is what's missing


--- Quote from: nick65go on May 14, 2019, 12:24:42 AM ---IMHO, I prefer just a small start-up script in adriconf.tcz, to test for necesary variables and initializes them, then start whatever demon if necesary; without loading bloat of locales.

--- End quote ---

proposals for startup script to recognise x11 and wayland gratefully received  :)

No daemon neccessary and no locales needed.

As a temporary fix, I tried changing the desktop file to read:
--- Code: ---Exec=env XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 adriconf
--- End code ---
..but although I can then start adriconf like this:
--- Code: ---$ gtk-launch adriconf
adriconf running on X11
Current language code is c
--- End code ---
..it will not start from the icon  :(

Hi Juanito, may I propose a solution?

the default variable PATH is (i saw it by using 'set'`)

--- Code: ---PATH='/home/tc/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/apps/bin:/usr/sbin:/us
--- End code ---

so the folder tce.install (from adriconf.tcz) will write the script in ~/.local/bin/adriconf

--- Code: ---XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 /usr/local/bin/adriconf
--- End code ---

which will be executed both from menu and wbar, because
in autogenerated ~/.wmx/Applications/adriconf we have

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
exec adriconf
--- End code ---

in autogenerated ~/.wbar we have

--- Code: ---i: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/br.com.jeanhertel.adriconf.png
t: adriconf
c: exec adriconf
--- End code ---


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