Tiny Core Extensions > Extension requests

Barrier - a Synergy fork

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perhaps related : 'Switch to native Avahi support to solve warnings ' -  https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/issues/4672

issue #20 on the barrier github seems to suggest the avahi message is a warning - I had thought it had hung.

barrier posted - I've no real idea if it works or not...

Sory for the late answer, I did not find any time to watch the forum. I'll try Barrir as soon as possible.

Apologies for the necro, but I think Barrier needs to be recompiled. Currently running the client program, barrierc, demands libssl.so.1.0.0 but the ssl version provided in TinyCore 14.0 is openssl-1.1.1

Thanks for reporting this - in fact the latest openssl version in tinycore is 3.2.0

You can possibly fix things by downloading and loading http://tinycorelinux.net/10.x/x86/tcz/openssl.tcz after first loading barrier.

If you'd like to re-compile barrier and submit an update, it would be much appreciated.


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