Hi jazzbiker!
I am still slave/employed/busy. Not in the mood for compiling (pareto 80% eficiency with 20% effort). My goal is for a small + secure/izolated linux environment, such as qemu + virtual machines, or chroot in AlpineLinux (musl), with a small/secured browser for banking transactions only. So just https + javascripts, few graphic capabilites, but minimal dependencies (to reduce attack surfaces) and minimal total RAM demands (to run nomadic from USB) on most PC.
The near best suitable for netsurf is badwolf browser. But then we go for webkit, then monster ICU (language) library dependency etc.
PS: I try to avoid "two authentification factors" on cellphone appls, as is becoming a single point of failure (broken /stolen mobile, bloat apps 100+ MB?, tracking between institutions, all the usual shit).