Here is a small contribution from my side, to Enhance the "Browse TCZs" Webpage, with an Automated Script.
Enclosed is a tar file, containing a bash script called,
which must be extracted to the folder containing all the * files and run from there. This will generate an index.html in the same folder ( also enclosed ) which can be viewed from any browser.
People viewing the "Browse TCZs" Webpage from various operating systems, will find it now easier, to locate information with this enhanced webpage.
If the * files are not present locally, then the second script,
called can be run to download them to a new folder. After downloading the info files, the must be copied to and run from the new folder.
P.S. A few info files need to be fixed by a maintainer, to confirm to the tiny core standards. These files can be identified by first navigating to the extreme right of this webpage, using the right arrow key, and press the page down key repeatedly, to locate entries, which are shown in white color. These info files could be missing either 1. Data pertaining to anyone of these tags : Title,Description,Version,Author,Original-site,Copying-policy,Size,Extension_by,Tags OR 2. Missing the tag itself altogether OR 3. Could be missing a : symbol after the tag name. It is easy to identify what is missing in these files.