Tiny Core Base > Corepure64

Remove individual files from <bakupList>?

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..and "filetool.sh -d" will do a dry run backup

And look at this files, also saying that you have to remove the first backslash(root) character.

Include file:

--- Code: (bash) ---nano /opt/.filetool.lst
--- End code ---

Exclude file:

--- Code: (bash) ---nano /opt/.xfiletool.lst

--- End code ---



--- Quote from: labeas on June 02, 2017, 10:31:46 PM ---This is computer SCIENCE. We should strive to have <exact syntax>.

--- End quote ---
We've attempted to point you in the right direction to understand the Backup system before..
Just one of those occasions:  http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,20773.msg129656.html#msg129656

Besides, the Corebook has most your answers, Chapter7.1 indicates in particular where to find both hidden  filetool.list files   you read the book right?

You could also use the terminal to search for files,  try:

--- Code: ---sudo find / -iname "*filetool.lst"
--- End code ---

The Wiki als has an explanation of the Backup system

Try looking under "Getting tinycore to save your documents and settings"

Note also that "Exclusions will override inclusions"  (Also from the book)  That is something important to remember..

The GUI for managing the files is opened by going to ControlPanel and clicking, under "Maintenance", "Backup/Restore".  To stop some files or directories from being backed up, click the tab that says, "Excluded from Backup (.xfiletool.lst)", then at the bottom, right hand corner of the window, there is a drop down menu that has the items "File" and "Directory".  You can choose whichever one you want to exclude, then click the button "Add" that is to the left of the drop down menu.  it will open up a popup window titled "Select <file or directory> to be added to /opt/.xfiletool.lst".  Use the file manager in that window to choose the file or directory you want to exclude from the backup. 


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