Tiny Core Base > Corepure64

faild logon desktop if boot tinycore iso by syslinux

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Syslinux memdisk only fools the bios. It does not fool linux. Once linux boots, there is no cd drive from which to load extensions from, it sees an usb stick with some isos on it. Either do a normal install on the usb stick, or see the iso bootcode.

Some other live cds do not access the cd from linux, but have everything in the initrd. Those can boot via chainloading like that.

"tce-status -i" will show all loaded extensions.

"tce-status -i" output nothing. Does it means no extensions loaded?

Syslinux memdisk only fools the bios. It does not fool linux. Once linux boots, there is no cd drive from which to load extensions from, it sees an usb stick with some isos on it. Either do a normal install on the usb stick, or see the iso bootcode.
Does tinycore boot will force load extensions from cd drive (iso boot way)?  That is not good, because syslinux / grub4dos boot multi small live iso images from one usb trick for different purpose is very useful.


--- Quote from: andysendo on May 15, 2017, 02:27:14 AM ---"tce-status -i" output nothing. Does it means no extensions loaded?

--- End quote ---




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