@coreplayer2: The scripts are a work in progress... mostly due to the fact we're also rewriting start-up scripts (/etc/init.d/tc-config) and the likes to "act" differently based on what hardware it's operating on as well as other items (such as separate /tce directories for different purposes based on hardware) BUT... that's more our needs versus TCL main-stream.
1) Functionality to back-date if/when extensions are missing from the current repo version (ie: File abcd.tcz hasn't been built for 8.x Arm7 repo but exists in 7.x Arm6 or Arm7... no guarantee it would function as expected, but "should." I imagine for a stand-alone script this should be opted for instead of "always the case."
2) Functionality to version-control the repository itself (ie: separate versions.txt file similar to info.lst so that only one file need be downloaded to check versions against existing extensions) and of course, the process to generate such a file server-side.
3) A clean-up function which basically scans TCZ files which are found in tcedir and removes any extensions which are otherwise stale (AND checks the repo server-side to see which extensions are missing, especially broken dependencies, and creates a list of missing extensions.)
I'll see about getting just the tce-load replacement separated (considering it's functions are within a shared file we've been building on which is used by our custom tc-config, tce-load, tce-ab, etc.) and put together a stand-alone to put up here.