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TCL Repository file listing

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@coreplayer2: The scripts are a work in progress...  mostly due to the fact we're also rewriting start-up scripts (/etc/init.d/tc-config) and the likes to "act" differently based on what hardware it's operating on as well as other items (such as separate /tce directories for different purposes based on hardware) BUT...  that's more our needs versus TCL main-stream.

1) Functionality to back-date if/when extensions are missing from the current repo version (ie: File abcd.tcz hasn't been built for 8.x Arm7 repo but exists in 7.x Arm6 or Arm7...  no guarantee it would function as expected, but "should."  I imagine for a stand-alone script this should be opted for instead of "always the case."

2) Functionality to version-control the repository itself (ie: separate versions.txt file similar to info.lst so that only one file need be downloaded to check versions against existing extensions) and of course, the process to generate such a file server-side.

3) A clean-up function which basically scans TCZ files which are found in tcedir and removes any extensions which are otherwise stale (AND checks the repo server-side to see which extensions are missing, especially broken dependencies, and creates a list of missing extensions.)

I'll see about getting just the tce-load replacement separated (considering it's functions are within a shared file we've been building on which is used by our custom tc-config, tce-load, tce-ab, etc.) and put together a stand-alone to put up here.

2 and 3 already exist? The md5sums are all in one file, so checking extension updates is fast. The apps utility, and the scripts behind it can scan for missing dependencies, or extensions not in repo, as well as other things.


I made a script to create USB with my customizations, and it checks for updates.

It would help a lot to have a file with the content of all md5.txt files, like:

dc171ff0875b3c321e43097349983dd4  abcde.tcz
403e4566c510f3186b1e004ceb00037e  abiword-dev.tcz
d4f2d7c2db05778476282a564281f54b  zsync.tcz

Even better if this file is offered in .bzip2 format (< 42k)

Hi wksilva, check this out:
It's currently ~56KB though.


This is documented somewhere? (just to know that I missed it)

Found one problem: 

$ curl -s http://tinycorelinux.net/8.x/x86_64/tcz/tcl8.6.tcz.md5.txt
474b03c494c80c889da89dd926f8ba4d  tcl8.6.tcz

$ md5sum tcl8.6.tcz
b1245ac4e1c4d4600e8a6a243c973b0a  tcl8.6.tcz


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