I't important to know exactly your desired installation, because tinycore64 could be simply a matter of adapting your current installation.
these options are available
There is an
http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/x86_64/release/TinyCorePure64-current.iso if that's what you're looking for?
boot to it and download tc-install extension and any other extensions you desire.
Note: Extensions for a corepure64 (64 bit kernel and 64 bit user-space applications) installation requires a dedicated tce extensions directory, especially if co-located on a drive alongside a 32bit tinycore or tinycore64 installations. It's repository is separate from the x86 and x86_64 (tinycore 32bit kernel and 32bit user-space applications & tinycore64 64 bit kernel and 32 bit user-space applications) combined repo.
Or If you already have a tinycore frugal (default) install, then
for a 64 bit Kernel with 32bit user-space applications you need only to add
vmlinuz64 &
to your boot directory and
add an option to your boot config file to use the above
Depending on your hardware you may need to download hardware specific kernel x86_64 module extensions
it's all fairly straight forward and easy

Good luck