General TC > Tiny Core on Virtual Machines

VMware tools/Open VM tools problem (x86_64 port)

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--- Code: ---~/
--- End code ---

a tilde followed by a forward slash means 'home directory', typically this is /home/tc 
note: strictly speaking the " ~ " alone represents the home directory.

Also a period in front of the file name means the file has hidden attributes, therefore

--- Code: ---~/.profile
--- End code ---
is a hidden file in the home directory.  In tinycore this will likely expand to " /home/tc/.profile "

When I was new to Linux, I spend some time experimenting at the terminal, learning where I was exactly.
for example: you could have changed to the ~/ directory and asked the Present working directory variable where you where?

--- Code: ---cd ~/; echo $PWD
--- End code ---

or in keeping with simplicity

--- Code: ---cd ~; pwd
--- End code ---

Hi coreplayer2

--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on October 30, 2016, 03:02:20 AM ---or in keeping with simplicity

--- Code: ---cd ~; pwd
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
Or even simpler:

--- Code: ---cd; pwd
--- End code ---

Rich,  8)
I have to agree the default path of " cd " is useful in returning to the home directory if that's all you wanted to accomplish right?   
However,  if someone new to Linux might wanted to know where ~/ was?  Seems logical they would change to ~/ then verify the location.   
Same for /

zacchi4k on the other hand, mistook the tilde key ( ~ ) for a hyphen ( - ) which can lead to a lot of confusion since the - option used with cd command refers to the last PWD. 


--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on October 30, 2016, 11:24:04 AM ---Rich,  8)
I have to agree the default path of " cd " is useful in returning to the home directory if that's all you wanted to accomplish right?   
However,  if someone new to Linux might wanted to know where ~/ was?  Seems logical they would change to ~/ then verify the location.   
Same for /

zacchi4k on the other hand, mistook the tilde key ( ~ ) for a hyphen ( - ) which can lead to a lot of confusion since the - option used with cd command refers to the last PWD.

--- End quote ---
IDK why I saw it as an hyphen...... Firefox for TC saw them as hyphens.


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