Hi, I'm using German keymap, not Greek, I'm going a different way to set up my keyboard, it may look a bit suboptimal.
But it works reliably and sometimes I explain it successfully to newbies via chat.
It needs a Frugal Installation (on USB-Stick or HDD) and can be done after Restart of a fresh installed Frugal Installation. (but could also be done later)
- If kmaps.tcz isn't just installed, do it now. (using the tc Apps browser)
- open a Terminal and type in the following very long line (extend the terminal to fit into), and press Enter
tc@box:~$ echo 'loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap' >> /opt/bootlocal.sh
Check whether it is ok using the following command:
tc@box:~$ cat /opt/bootlocal.sh
# put other system startup commands here
loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap
The /opt/bootlocal.sh should look like this.
Now open the /home/tc/.xsession file using the editor:
tc@box:~$ editor .xsession
In the editor move to the 3rd line and press enter to insert an empty line
Insert the following content to this line:
sleep 3 && xmodmap -e "clear Mod4" -e "add Mod5 = Mode_switch" &
Save this file and close it, close the terminal and reboot. Up from now this installation uses German keys.
This could easily adapted for a Greek (and other languages) keyboard:
Open a terminal and type in:
tc@box:~$ echo 'loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwerty/gr-pc.kmap' >> /opt/bootlocal.sh
and, within .xsession insert a new 3rd line containing:
sleep 3 && xmodmap -e "clear Mod4" -e "add Mod5 = Mode_switch" &
Save it and reboot. Now the keyboard should write Greek characters.