Hi, all,
I am quite happy to share my version on tft.tcz, which you can get from here
http://www.pughx2.com/assets/px2/files/tft.tcz. It uses modules from the 4.1.13 kernel and should thus work for piCore7rc1 and rc2.
Since I used a 'quick qnd dirty' method to produce it, I will not be sending it to Bella. If I get time I might tidy it up into a state where it can be submitted, assuming that any one else is interested.
This is what I did.
1. Create a working environment by installing the latest linux version into a virtual environment under windows.
2. Download 4.1.13-piCore_v7+_modules.tar.xz from
http://tinycorelinux.net/7.x/armv7/releases/RPi2/src/kernel/ and unpack it into tmp/core
3. Rename the original tft.tcz to tft-orig.tcz and copy it to tmp/tft
4. unsquash tft-orig.tft, this will give you a folder in tmp/tft called squashfs-root
5. Copy all matching .ko entries from tmp/core to the same directory structure in tmp/tft/squashfs-root, deleting the matching .ko.gz entries - I used xfe for this
6. In tmp/tft/squashfs-root, run '
find . -name *.ko | xargs gzip' to zip the .ko files to .ko.gz
7. in tmp/tft squash squashfs-root to tft.tcz
et voila ! Job done.