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Need help compiling Linux

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I tried doing many things in that machine, but it kept on giving me various strange errors (for example tce-load keeps on trying to download "<HTML><" instead of the usual "extension-name.tcz"). But I moved to a different machine and all those errors went away (wished I had tried that earlier).

It's been more than a week now (and still working on the same thing :-[), but I've come across other errors (not as weird as before). I would do the complete module installation like this just to make sure I don't have missing dependencies between the kernel modules:

--- Code: ---$ make bzImage
$ make modules
$ make install_modules
--- End code ---

But my thin client doesn't have enough space, so I have opted for this instead to not install every module there is:

--- Code: ---$ make bzImage
$ make prepare
$ make modules_prepare
$ make M=driver/gpu/drm/gma500
$ sudo make M=driver/gpu/drm/gma500 modules_install
--- End code ---

No errors in the process above and it produced file '/lib/modules/3.16.6-tinycore/extra/gma500_gfx.ko'.
But it returns an error when I try to load it:

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ sudo modprobe gma500_gfx
modprobe: can't load module gma500_gfx (extra/gma500_gfx.ko): unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
--- End code ---

Searching online for similar errors pointed me to put 'Module.symvers' (which I copied from linux-3.16.6 directory) in '/lib/modules/3.16.6-tinycore/build/' or run 'sudo depmod -a'. I've tried those too in combinations, but it still gave the same error. Any help is appreciated as I'm still learning and don't really understand what Module.symvers or 'depmod -a' do.

"unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter" means that gma500_gfx depends on another module that is not loaded.

Use modinfo to see dependencies.

Thank you both, I really appreciate it!

Another question, is there a way to make this module (and other modules it depends on) available to other systems running the same version of Tiny Core? (Would this work? 'scp gma500_gfx.ko user@ip-address:' :P)

..or make an extension out of it (and any modules not already in the base/existing extensions)...


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