Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

Exploring Hard Drive Files

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I have mc downloaded now. How do I access the files saved on the hard drive from here?

I know that my question may be idiotic and have an obvious answer, but I really do need help recovering my files. I figured Tiny Core would be my best bet because I need a live OS that boots on RAM.

Please read the corebook.

I can't find anything helpful there. I just want to know the steps to access my files that are saved on my hard drive. It really shouldn't be that hard for somebody with knowledge of the OS to provide this information.

I shouldn't really be that hard to find the mounttool.

Core is not a ready to run for beginners distro.
It is a tool kit.  You are expected to be able to run basic linux tools.

We are not here to reread and retype the book and wiki.  They should be consulted first.

A good Linux intro:  http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz


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