Hello again Bela. Please forgive me if I'm being obtuse, but I am challenged in understanding how to apply the extensions concept. If I were to put myself in Steen's shoes, then I would see piCorePlayer as the sum of the following parts:
1) the base TC kernel image (retrieved by direct download and burn)
2) the base support libraries (most likely the things found in a "full" Linux deploy, loaded by tcz- things like alsa, flac, ffmepeg, etc.)
3) support utilities (most likely things to extend Linux functionality, loaded by tcz- things like wireless, i2c tools, firmwares, etc.)
4) support applications (loaded by tcz, things like dropbear, perl, etc.)
5) third party applications (ready for ARM, not tcz packaged, requires custom integration - things like OliWeb, squeezelite)
5) end user support (the scripts, web pages, config stores that "are" piCorePlayer - custom created, integrated)
If I were the builder of the next flavor of the piCorePlayer image (assuming no kernel update), I could see the convenience of performing a tce-update (I guess this would have to be base norestore??) to refresh all the extensions. The third party applications currently installed would be untouched. Most likely I would then be making changes to the end user support environment (e.g. - troubleshooting new DAC shows new module and modprobe needed, base script modified). I'm assuming at this point that all the changes for end user support would be packaged and become their own unique tcz? Is this package something that should be submitted to TC or is it in the "custom repo"?
Assuming the above, if I now try to think from the perspective of the end user. I have a running instance of PiCorePlayer. There is a button on the web page to "update" (assume no kernel update at this time). Can I then call the tce-update and have it download and install the changes? Is there a way in a running instance to drop all of the current extensions to allow a reload (could brute force all the LOOP devices)? I guess after this a reboot will be required.
I can see the application in going through minor iterations (e.g. 1.14a to 1.14b to 1.14c etc.) using tce-update. I don't see it applying to kernel updates, or is that also something could work?
Forgive the ramblings, I had a quick window of time to ask the questions and wanted to get them out there.