dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

new packages released

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Jason W:
It's all good, I uploaded the new README and libiconv*, as well as placed libiconv in the dep list of those that needed it by doing a quick ldd on them.  I had tried e17 once or so before and did not like it, but this version is very nice and now my default desktop.

Oh, just a wish list item, if future e17 builds are on dCore with PAM enabled, the screen locking would work.  I use xscreensaver for smaller desktops so no big deal to use it with e17.  And I am good with PAM disabled if building on Core allows use of the packages on both systems.

Hi Jason and others,

don't u have the problem mentioned in this thread?

regarding libiconv: it is redundant in ecore, edje, ethumb, libeweather & enlightenment, since they all depends on eina

Jason W:
I posted in that thread about that issue, which I have not seen when loading e17.

I will adjust the dep lists.


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