dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Bug: /tmp sticky bit (still) disappearing with dcore 5.0-rc2


The /tmp sticky bit is still disappearing when loading xorg-all under dCore 5.0-rc2.  Replicate by:

* Boot with tce= set to virgn (empty) directory
* Import Xprogs, flwm_topside, tcWbar (which fails, see other post), and xorg-all (import command). 
* Verify really running rc2; yes - /opt/debmirror is present (rwxrwxrwt).
* Check for sticky bit on /tmp; yes - is present
* Load Xprogs (loadsce command).  Check for sticky bit; yes is present
* Load flwm_topside.  Check for sticky bit; yes is present
* Load xorg-all.  Check for sticky bit; fail, no sticky bit (rwxrwxrwx).

Identified issue on server side with xorg and adjustment made.
Please re-download your xorg to verify.

Verified as correct.  Thanks Robert.


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