1. Boot with code "base" but
without "tce=".
2. Make sure that /etc/sysconfig/tcedir points to -> /tmp/tce and that no partition is mounted before processing to step 3.
3. mount partitions containing extensions and boot files.
4. In an aterm type:
watch df -h /
5. cp extensions plus their corresponding .dep and .md5.txt to -> /tmp/tce/optional
and/or tce-load -wi extensions from repo.
Restrict yourself to a minimum of extensions really necessary, while having a close watch on free space (see 4.).
tce-load -i /tmp/tce/optional/*.tcz
7. run
8. Check for free space and based on result eventually cp and tce-load -i additional extensions.
9. Umount all mounted partitions.
10. Verify no partition is mounted and then unplug pendrive.
11. Point out which details I forgot or overlooked