I'd have to strongly disagree with both your premise as well as the signature itself.
well you're entitled to disagree. i (really) don't suppose you're also one of those people that thinks that laziness is the only reason poverty and homeless exist, but it's the same kind of logic that makes people think anyone can compile in linux if they put enough work into it.
i've spent a ridiculous amount of time learning. it's hard work and i try more every day. and when i read the discussions about compiling, i realize that it would take twice of everything i know about linux- AT LEAST, to compile anything useful in tc. i know because UNLIKE YOU i know how much hard work i've put in, and i know how close to nothing i have to show for it. i would have to devote all of my computing time to learn to learn compiling, and i would probably shoot this damned computer with all the frustration.
so i strongly disagree with your disagreement. but hey you're entitled, no matter how glib your perspective may be. sometimes people just understand these complexites better. and sometimes, not all of us do. SORRY. but if i put in 10, 100 times the amount of work you did, i could probably figure it out too. eventually. but i'd really hate it. i do less and hate that already.
It's also offensive to quote somebody else out of context, and then put it into your own signature (so it gets reposted everywhere).
i have not quoted you in my sig. i have not quoted softwaregurl either, but if she's offended she can tell me here or in pm.
i have not as you said, quoted anyone in my sig, and i have not removed any context. what's in my sig are MY OWN thoughts, and they're not new, rather i have new reason to express them- due to this thread and another.
the only point is perhaps softwaregurl was being overzealous, not realizing how difficult what she proposes is for some people. you're entitled to disagree, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about- simply because you've never BEEN anyone OTHER than you.
thank you very much!