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Author Topic: Beginner small apps (utility) needed  (Read 4839 times)

Offline cattail

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Beginner small apps (utility) needed
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:49:05 PM »
I  use some slim apps in small linux system , like minimal debian (fluxbox | openbox)
I'll show my friends raspberryPi , I want these apps in piCore repo  :

  a lightweight and powerful image viewer, can also manage desktop wallpaper

  a very small and pretty fast gdk/Imlib image viewer. It can play slide images in short time gap (like 0.1--0.3 s) , the effect like slow motion .(images from a video, use mplayer for output frames to images.)

  a GTK+ front-end for showing video from webcam (supported by the UVC driver)

  a fast, featureful, open-source Conway's Life program for linux.
(this is not a utility, but it's math is easy and fun for children)

 I want to know , for keep piCore slim, is these apps can easy compiled for fltk?

How can I know a app like guvcview ,it have simple GUI, change it for fltk?
And GtkLife  had complex GUI than guvcview,  how hard to change it for fltk?

How much work to do by modify  C source code?
(for a man only know ./configure, make,make install , sometimes find some .h files )


Offline Rich

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Re: Beginner small apps (utility) needed
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2013, 10:47:03 PM »
Hi cattail
I want to know , for keep piCore slim, is these apps can easy compiled for fltk?

How can I know a app like guvcview ,it have simple GUI, change it for fltk?
And GtkLife  had complex GUI than guvcview,  how hard to change it for fltk?

How much work to do by modify  C source code?
(for a man only know ./configure, make,make install , sometimes find some .h files )
You would either have to translate GTK calls into equivalent FLTK calls, assuming they exist, or rewrite the
interface from scratch using FLTK. In either case, you would need at least a working knowledge of C and
likely C++ to undertake such a task.

Offline cattail

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Re: Beginner small apps (utility) needed
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 06:46:04 AM »
Thank Rich, I'll try it ...

More Apps wanted in repo:
  a small utility that can send videostream from webcam to web . 

  a small editor support UTF-8 (and convert to other say cp936 ) , display line number for debug.

Offline bmarkus

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Re: Beginner small apps (utility) needed
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 07:02:49 AM »

  a small editor support UTF-8 (and convert to other say cp936 ) , display line number for debug.

Try bluefish.
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Offline cattail

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Re: Beginner small apps (utility) needed
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 03:19:32 AM »
Try bluefish.


I have try bluefish , it's great , but have too much feature to me.
I think leafpad is more slim.

And what is a slim gui hex editor (FLTK) recommened ?