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Core book - topic listing

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Oh good.  I've grabbed the pdf, though I don't have time to read all of it ATM.

I suppose the number of potential chapters has increased a bit in the past few months.

Hi, I will be interested to read about some list for tricks/settings of:
1. Using [tiny]core guest under qmenu; the host machine could be any linux distribution (archlinux, mint etc) with kvm drivers etc, but the guest (maybe) needs for some remastering for fast core I/O transfer (64/32 bits?, network, video, scsi, usb) using virtio (or plan9 ?). The beforhand downloaded tcz packages (+dep files) into some local storage /mnt/sdaX could be accessed (shared between host and guest) by qmenu buildin facilities like nbd (nfs), samba, tftp, vfat or plan9.
This will offer small/secure "sand box" to run linux apps, like firefox, without tor/onion protections etc.

2. Smallest core as x86[_64] host for qmenu, to run any OS like (dying) winXP, or testing any new/candidate linux/tinycore etc, even with other CPU arhitecture like arm (android?). This could open the doors for android mobile comunications ("viber" instant messenger, etc).

I am trying (with succes) my hand at all those, but unfortunate I have no time to contribute back to your docs.

AsciiDoc!  Nice!  I've been working on a reflow/rewrite in AsciiDoc for another project.  The project lead was thinking it might be nice to generate the static HTML pages from the AsciiDoc-formatted text files maintained in the project's git repo.  I set up the Makefile so HTML, XHTML, manpage and text output (the XHTML piped through a TUI HTML browser like links) are all available but never considered PDF (yet).

Both PDF output methods are kind of PITA currently. A full latex setup takes gigs and is hard to setup, and the alternative, FOP, requires Java and some other arcane configuration. Took me almost a full day to get proper PDF output (whereas for manpages and html output it was just the time to install asciidoc ;)).

Hi curaga
Sections 4.8 and 4.9 refer to  .xinitrc. Should that be  .xsession?
From section 4.9:

--- Quote ---This is the final part of the boot process. Just before starting up the
window manager, the .xinitrc script sources and executes every file
found in this directory (~/.X.d).
--- End quote ---
Unless it has changed since TC4.1, files in ~/.X.d are executed after the the window manager command is issued.


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