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Author Topic: minitube 1.8 - tiny bug: in wbar the title is "previous" instead of minitube  (Read 3192 times)

Offline netnomad

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hi arslan,

it's only a tiny bug in minitube 1.8:

the displayed title in wbar is "previous" instead of "minitube",
it's really a tiny bug, but nevertheless i want to inform you :-)

kind regards.

Offline coreplayer2

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yes I noticed this also,  as a temporary fix I simply removed all the erroneous text from the desktop entry file and rebuilt the extension. 

I had to do the same with DeadBeeF extension also, which has been named " prev " for a long time..

Offline Arslan S.

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is it really application's desktop to blame ?

they have desktop actions like prev next pause play in their desktop file

Offline coreplayer2

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Those I remove, since they appear redundant and clearly confuse the freedesktop scheme..

Offline coreplayer2

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Thanks Arslan for the patch.  I can understand why you chose to patch the wbar script but and without sounding like the bear caught with his hands in the cookie jar already..  why not address the desktop entries which appear to be superfluous..?

Offline Arslan S.

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it is better to patch one source instead of all "superfluous" desktop files

also they are not superfluous, see "Additional applications actions"
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 05:12:18 AM by Arslan S. »

Offline coreplayer2

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I agree with you but my point is how can any of those additional entries be utilized in tc?   Having them did not produce any additional desktop menu items which effectively makes them superfluous..?


Offline Arslan S.

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Desktop entries of type Application can include one or more actions. An action represents an additional way to invoke the application. Application launchers should expose them to the user (for example, as a submenu) within the context of the application. This is used to build so called "Quicklists" or "Jumplists".

desktop actions can be used to create submenus
see xfe.tcz for example instead of xfe~1.desktop a section in xfe.desktop as given below will suffice

Code: [Select]
[Desktop Action RunAsRoot]
Exec=sudo xfe

« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 03:07:44 PM by Arslan S. »

Offline coreplayer2

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yes I fully understand this kind of menu item and frequently use this method to create menus of my own on my in house extensions which have worked as expected.

But that was not the reference..  seems we are on crossed lines here..   The entries I'm referring to seem to have no function in and do not create any separate menu items.  So as I said before I simply remove 75 % of the erroneous entries in the desktop file thereby solving my problem, with the names on the wbar.  if they are supposed to create desktop menu items as well, then sorry they do not.