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Author Topic: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21  (Read 3322 times)

Offline gerald_clark

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virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« on: March 21, 2012, 12:29:45 PM »
arfonzo on irc was attempting to use virtualbox-ose-additions on 4.4, but there are only modules for kernel 3.0.3.

Offline maro

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Re: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 05:21:51 AM »
Arslan appears to be still unable to provide a "refresh" of said extension. I've therefore taken the liberty to throw together a little script (see attachment) that could be used to create 'virtualbox-ose-additions-modules-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz'.

Two remarks: (A) The process depends on the presence of the 'VBoxGuestAdditions.iso' CD-ROM image, which could be made available via 'Devices' -> 'Install Guest Additions ...' when using a VBox VM for this extensions build. The aforementioned image is often included in a VBox installation (e.g. in case of a Windows host), otherwise the GUI offers to get it downloaded.
(B) I've done a quick test of only one of the three kernel modules contained in this extension (i.e. the shared folders feature). As the build process did not fail and my own short test was successful I can only assume that also the other kernel modules should work (at least to the degree as they did for the 3.0.3 kernel). But as I'm not a user of that functionality I'm not in a position to provide much more support.

Offline uggla

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Re: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 01:57:23 PM »
I've tried the script. It needed a bunch of other extensions as well (make, gcc, gcc-libs, libmpc) but even with those loaded it failed since it couldn't find libmpfr.so.4. I searched the repository but couldn't find it.

Offline Rich

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Re: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 02:10:16 PM »
Hi uggla
The libmpfr.so.4 issue aside, if you wish to compile something, save yourself some grief and use  compiletc.tcz.
It contains  make, gcc, gcc-libs, libmpc  plus other things you may need.

Offline Onyarian

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Re: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 02:35:56 PM »
Apart of the virtualbox-ose-additions-modules-KERNEL there is missing the virtualbox-ose-modules-KERNEL too (see http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,12839.msg70386.html#msg70386).

Is possible to have another script to build an extension for this modules?


Offline uggla

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Re: virtualbox modules for kernel 3.0.21
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 03:40:21 PM »
Hi uggla
The libmpfr.so.4 issue aside, if you wish to compile something, save yourself some grief and use  compiletc.tcz.
It contains  make, gcc, gcc-libs, libmpc  plus other things you may need.
The script loaded compiletc.tcz but complained none the less for missing stuff. When I rebooted and manually loaded compiletc before running the script, then it worked!