Hi mountpeaks
Lets say for example you want your font file (proggycyr.pcf) to show up in /usr/local/share/fonts
when your extension gets installed. First install the submitqc (or submitqc4) extension, then:
cd /home/tc
mkdir -p extension/usr/local/share/fonts
cp proggycyr.pcf extension/usr/local/share/fonts
mksquashfs extension/ cyrillicfonts.tcz
cd extension
find usr -not -type d > cyrillicfonts.tcz.list
rm -rf usr
md5sum cyrillicfonts.tcz > cyrillicfonts.tcz.md5.txt
touch cyrillicfonts.tcz.info
editor cyrillicfonts.tcz.info
cyrillicfonts.tcz.info will contain the information displayed in the Info tab in AppBrowser. The Description:
field should be a one liner easily understood by a layman. The Comments: field should contain any
additional information that will help the end user to use your extension. Try to write this with new users
in mind. Take a look at the lua.tcz extension for an example of a well done info file, also read this:
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,11026.msg57841.html#msg57841touch jasonw.txt
editor jasonw.txt
This file should contain a brief note to Jason indicating whether this extension is suitable for TC3.x or
TC4.x or both.
submitqc (or submitqc4 if that's what you installed)
This will audit the files you created and provide feedback on any problems found, this may take a
minute or two. If this comes back without any major errors, copy the tcz file to your tce/optional
directory and reboot the machine. Use the base norestore boot codes. Then using the Local button
in AppBrowser, install your extension and make sure it works.
cd /home/tc/extension
tar zcf cyrillicfonts.tar.gz *
bcrypt cyrillicfonts.tar.gz
When bcrypt prompts you for a password, respond with tinycore
Your extension is now ready for submission.
These instructions are for simple extensions having no dependencies or startup scripts. If you wish to
create an extension for personal use only, you can stop after you have created the tcz file and copy
it to your tce/optional directory and add it to your onboot.lst.